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Business coaching and management training fo r team leaders.

Example 1 -

Fashion designer and manufacturer

This highly successful company designs and manufactures outer garments for an unparalleled range of well known retailers.

In this fast moving organisation where planning and responsiveness are key to continued success. The Managing Director recognised that new challenges were stretching his people and systems and that further support for them was needed.

Following a planning meeting and analysis sessions we were able to highlight three key findings that were shown to be at the heart of the situation.

These were;

  • departments worked to the highest quality standards;
  • meeting customer changes, requests and demands required significant extra internal review and planning activities.
  • Lead times had significantly shortened.

The Client’s highly skilled and hugely experienced people became eager to improve the situation.

A cross functional team, communication skills development programme was developed around a unique process mapping exercise that was used to highlight work/material flows and information flows. This transformed the speed, accuracy and quality of business critical information.

Alongside this programme the internal project management system was developed to reflect the above learning. This was used to conduct regular briefings and project updates that more closely matched the project timelines. High performance change management coaching supported the departmental heads and line managers.

With initial support from a Facilitator, these meetings quickly became highly valued and significant events. Whilst the number of events initially increased, the overall time spent on each project dramatically reduced.

Example 2 -

The Federation of Clothing Designers and Textile Manufacturers requested a speaker for their meeting.

With the UK Textile market being generally perceived as a shadow of its former self and market trading initiatives continuing to be difficult; the brief was challenging as it needed to apply to all sectors of the industry.

Several members of the Federation were contacted and canvassed for their views on a suitable subject. It was agreed that a talk on marketing would be hugely popular.

Background research using sources such as Mintel, Euratex, Texi and UKTI provided insight into recent trends in the Textile market from manufacturing through to retail channels. It was also possible to forecast further developing trends. Most significantly it showed a substantial increase in the total market value and the emergent segments.

The talk was very well received and fully met its purpose of motivation and entertainment.

Further details of the speaker’s presentation are available on request.

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Example 3 -

This small family owned provider of specialist software and technology for the Global textile industry requested a strategic marketing review to determine their future direction and business model.

10 sessions were planned which combined group learning and planning with individual product and market understanding exercises. These were in turn used to inform the planning sessions.

4 people effectively formed the board of the organisation including a husband and wife plus a long term business partner. It quickly became apparent that there was further work needed within the group to build a vision and common understanding.

The four members recognised this and agreed to look into this further. Facilitated sessions enabled the group to surface the issues in a protected environment whilst using the marketing work to facilitate understanding.

The workshops served their purpose, enabling an appreciation of potential marketing strategies whilst raising the more fundamental issues of business model and group dynamics. The board were able to understand their situation and take the appropriate actions as a result.

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